Course Catalog
Course Instructors
Eric Claeys
Prof. Eric Claeys
Eric R. Claeys
is Professor of Law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.
Speaker’s Content
16m 35s
Introduction to Jurisprudence
Prof. Eric Claeys
20m 28s
Natural Law Jurisprudence in Aquinas and Blackstone
Prof. Eric Claeys
23m 33s
Early Positivists: Bentham, Austin and the “Command” Thesis
Prof. Eric Claeys
17m 25s
Modern Positivism: Hart, Exclusive Positivism and Inclusive Positivism
Prof. Eric Claeys
9m 46s
Constructive Interpretation: Dworkin
Prof. Eric Claeys
13m 34s
Modern Natural Law Theory: Fuller and Finnis
Prof. Eric Claeys
14m 23s
Legal Realism and Critical Legal Studies
Prof. Eric Claeys
37m 43s
Property Law: Setting the Foundation for a Legal Education
Prof. Eric Claeys
28m 5s
Where Does Ownership Come From?
Prof. Eric Claeys
21m 28s
Private Property and Public Takings
Prof. Eric Claeys
2m 31s
What Is a Regulatory Taking?
Prof. Eric Claeys
3m 31s
Regulatory Takings Law: Exceptions to the Penn Central Approach
Prof. Eric Claeys
3m 5s
Regulatory Takings Law: Penn Central v. City of New York
Prof. Eric Claeys
3m 12s
Pierson v. Post: The Capture Rule
Prof. Eric Claeys
2m 55s
Pierson v. Post: The Backstory
Prof. Eric Claeys
04m 09s
Labor and Possession
Prof. Eric Claeys
04m 03s
Obsolete Property Practices
Prof. Eric Claeys
03m 45s
How Does Aquinas Define Law?
Prof. Eric Claeys
03m 24s
Was Blackstone a Jurisprudence Theorist?
Prof. Eric Claeys
03m 54s
Bentham Critiques Blackstone
Prof. Eric Claeys
03m 53s
What is Positivism?
Prof. Eric Claeys
00m 00s
What is American Legal Realism?
Prof. Eric Claeys